Hearing Loss and Fall Risk: Insights from a Finnish Twin Study

Did you know the relationship between hearing loss and fall risk as we age? Recent
research by Viljannen, et al (2009), focusing on twins, sheds new light on the connection
between auditory health and physical stability.

The Link Between Hearing and Balance

Hearing loss isn’t just about missing parts of conversations; it can also affect how we
navigate our environments. Viljannen, et al (2009) reported that the inner ear plays a crucial
role in balance, and impairments can lead to challenges in maintaining stability. The study
reveals that individuals with hearing loss are at a higher risk of falls. It is particularly insightful
as it controls for genetic and environmental factors by comparing twins, thereby isolating the
effect of hearing loss on fall risk (Viljannen, et al (2009)).

Study Findings

Viljannen, et al (2009) observed twins over a period, tracking incidents of falls and
correlating these with the degree of hearing loss. Viljannen, et al (2009) research findings
indicated that even mild hearing loss doubled the risk of a fall and for those with moderate to
severe hearing loss, the risk increased even further. This suggests a direct link between the
ability to hear and the ability to stay upright.

Why Does Hearing Affect Balance?

Hearing helps with spatial awareness and orientation. Without clear hearing, the brain
receives less information about the surrounding environment, including hazards or changes
in terrain. Viljannen, et al (2009) Additionally reported that, the strain of decoding sounds can
distract from the focus needed to safely navigate obstacles, leading to missteps and falls.

Preventative Measures

Incorporating regular hearing checks in your annual health check, seems to be important
over the age of 50. Early detection and intervention, such as using hearing aids, can mitigate
the risk. Awareness on the associated health risks such as “the risk of fall” in people with
hearing loss is important in taking preventative measures which may include use of walking
devices or improving your home for better safety against fall hazards.


Viljannen, et al (2009) study offers compelling evidence of the importance of hearing in
maintaining balance and preventing falls. As we age, it becomes even more crucial to
address and treat hearing impairments not just for the quality of life in terms of social interaction
and enjoyment, but to also improve overall physical health and wellbeing. If you or someone
you know is experiencing hearing difficulties, consider a hearing test as a step not only
towards better hearing but also towards safer living.

*(Research article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2655032/).

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